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First Thematic Workshop of TraFFF project took place in Belgrade

24 March 2023 - The project “Transnational Families, Farms and Firms: Migrant Entrepreneurs in Kosovo and Serbia from the 1960s to today” (TraFFF) held its first thematic workshop.

Zooming in on Serbia and Kosovo, the TraFFF project explores the social effects of migration and return on origin societies. The TraFFF team gathered in Belgrade on 2-3 March 2023 to discuss the interlinkages of migration and development. TraFFF researchers Thomas Dufhues and Janine Pinkow-Läpple (IAMO), Ulf Brunnbauer and Sara Zeric (IOS), and Carolin Leutloff-Grandits and Elisabeth Djumic (Viadrina) discussed the complexities of the migration-development nexus with international scientists and development practitioners from the region.

The TraFFF project is funded by the Leibniz Cooperative Excellence programme.