Selected research articles
Pinkow-Läpple, Janine (2023). ‘That’s so Sexist!’ How Highly Skilled Female Return Migrants Try to Shape Gender Norms in Kosovo. Central and Eastern European Migration Review, Vol. , No. online first, 2023, pp. 1-17.
Bäuml, Theresa; Möllers, Judith; Dufhues, Thomas; Wolz, Axel; Traikova, Diana (2022) Producer organisations in an export-oriented value chain: What motivates small-scale farmers in Kosovo to collaborate? European Countryside 14 (2): 379 - 396.
Dokic, Danilo; Zekic, Staislav; Duric, Ivan; Matkovski, Bojan (2022): Innovation and total factor productivity growth in Serbian agriculture. Agroeconomica Croatica 12 (1) : 4-11.
Möllers, Judith; Bäuml, Theresa; Dufhues, Thomas (2022) Understanding the market potential of products from alternative food networks in a transition economy - A discrete choice experiment. British Food Journal 124 (13): 183-199.
Matkovski, Bojan; Zekic, Stanislav; Dokic, Danilo; Jurjevic, Zana; Duric, Ivan (2022) Export competitiveness of agri-food sector during the EU integration process: Evidence from the Western Balkans. Foods 11 (1)
Rufin, Philippe; Müller, Daniel; Schwieder, Marcel; Pflugmacher, Dirk; Hostert, Patrick (2021) Landsat time series reveal simultaneous expansion and intensification of irrigated dry season cropping in Southeastern Turkey. Journal of Land Use Science 16 (1): 94-110.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Bojnec, Stefan (2021) Gender and the environmental concerns of young farmers: Do young women farmers make a difference on family farms?Journal of Rural Studies 88: 71-82.
Brankov, Tatjana; Matkovski, Bojan; Jeremic, Marija; Duric, Ivan (2021) Food self-sufficiency of the SEE countries: Is the region prepared for a future crisis?Sustainability 13 (16): 1-20.
Rajkovic, Borislav; Duric, Ivan; Zaric, Vlade; Glauben, Thomas (2021) Gaining trust in the digital age: The potential of social media for increasing the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises. Sustainability 13 (4)
Arapi-Gjini, Arjola; Möllers, Judith; Herzfeld, Thomas (2020) Measuring dynamic effects of remittances on poverty and inequality with evidence from Kosovo. Eastern European Economics 58 (4): 283-308.
Hajdu, Anna; Mamonova, Natalia (2020) Prospects of agrarian populism and food sovereignty movement in post‐socialist Romania. Sociologia Ruralis 60 (4): 880-904.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Bojnec, Stefan (2020) Public support effect on natural disaster management: A case study of ice storms in forests in Slovenia. Land Use Policy 95
- Wolz, Axel; Möllers, Judith; Micu, Marius Mihai (2020) Options for agricultural service cooperatives in a postsocialist economy: Evidence from Romania. Outlook on Agriculture 49 (1): 57-65.
Bajrami, Egzon; Wailes, Eric; Dixon, Bruce; Musliu, Arben; Durand-Morat, Alvaro (2019) Do coupled subsidies increase milk productivity, land use, herd size and income? Evidence from Kosovo. Studies in Agricultural Economics 121 (3): 134-143.
Unay Gailhard, Ilkay; Bojnec, Stefan (2019) The impact of green economy measures on rural employment: Green jobs in farms. Journal of Cleaner Production 208: 541-551.
Selected other publications
Müller, Daniel; Hofmann, Max (2022) Impacts of climate change on agriculture and recommendations for adaptation measures in the Western Balkans. GFA Consulting Group on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).
Djordjevic Milosevic, Suzana; Möllers, Judith; Di Marcantonio, Federica; Ciaian, Pavel (2021) The best practices and potential of smallholders’ participation in short value chains in the Western Balkans and Turkey. JRC Technical Report, Luxembourg.
Herzfeld, Thomas; Möllers, Judith; Bajrami, Egzon; Davidova, Sophia; Gjonbalaj, Muje; Miftari, Iliriana; Krasniqi, N., Xhabali, V. (2021) Commercialization of smallholder farms in Kosovo. FAO. Download
Läpple, Janine; Möllers, Judith (2020) Social remittances as an engine of social change in Kosovo. IAMO Annual 22: 62-69. Download
Möllers, Judith; Traikova, Diana; Herzfeld, Thomas; Bajrami, Egzon (2017) Study on rural migration and return migration in Kosovo. IAMO Discussion Paper No. 166, Halle (Saale): IAMO.
Möllers, Judith; Traikova, Diana; Herzfeld, Thomas; Bajrami, Egzon (2017) Involuntary return migration to Kosovo: Tackling challenges for successful reintegration. IAMO Policy Brief No. 33, Halle (Saale). Download
Möllers, Judith; Traikova, Diana; Herzfeld, Thomas; Bajrami, Egzon (2017) Migrimi i "Dështuar" dhe Kthimi Pavullnetshëm në Kosovë: Trajtimi i Sfidave për Riintegrim të Suksesshëm. IAMO Policy Brief No. 33, Halle (Saale). Download
Möllers, Judith; Herzfeld, Thomas; Piras, Simone; Wolz, Axel (2016) Structural transformation of Moldovan smallholder agriculture: Implications for poverty reduction and shared prosperity. World Bank.
Rama, Klodjan (2016) Too much but not enough: Issues of water management in Albania in light of climate change. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Transition Economies, Vol. 84, Halle (Saale): IAMO. Download
Möllers, Judith; Arapi-Gjini, Arjola; Xhema, Sherif; Herzfeld, Thomas (2015) Mass exodus from Kosovo: How a struggling state loses its citizens. IAMO Policy Brief No. 24, Halle (Saale). Download
Möllers, Judith; Arapi-Gjini, Arjola; Xhema, Sherif; Herzfeld, Thomas (2015) Eksodi Kosovar: Si një shtet i ri në ndërtim po humbet shtetasit e tij. IAMO Policy Brief No. 24, Halle (Saale). Download